Pre-Health/Pre-Med Students

“Pre-Health” students are undergraduates who are aiming at professions in health care– including medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, or optometry, to name a few. Pre-Health students can choose any major on campus, but they also need to complete the appropriate set of courses required for admission to the professional school that matches their career goal. Many pre-health students choose Life Sciences majors–and we are committed to supporting undergraduates who want to pursue careers in clinical health. Students must work with our departmental academic advisors, who can guide them in selecting the courses they will need to fulfill course requirements, both to satisfy their major and to be eligible to apply to a particular professional school. In addition to working with their departmental advisors, we highly recommend that pre-health students also connect with the helpful resources listed below.
Pre-Med Advice
Helpful Resources for Pre-Health/
Pre-Med Students
- “Pre-Health at UCLA”
This online portal aims to provide comprehensive information about health professions, application timelines/processes, pre-health services, and opportunities for pre-health students of all majors - @PreHealthUCLA
This Facebook page, for UCLA’s pre-health students, posts helpful articles/advice, and lets you know about upcoming events and opportunities, both on and off campus. Among these opportunities, we highly recommend the Career Center’s graduate/professional school fairs, where admissions officers tell you about their schools and what they’re looking for in applicants. If you’re pre-med, we highly recommend our College Academic Counseling’s “Pre-Med 101 workshop.” You’ll find information like this and more on @PreHealthUCLA. - Pre-Health at UCLA Newsletter
This bi-weekly newsletter will provide pre-health students with useful information and a selection of important upcoming events that will be taking place in the upcoming two weeks. To sign up for this bi-weekly newsletter: create a Handshake account with the UCLA Career Center, and in your profile setting, check “Healthcare” under “Industry Interest.” - Life Sciences’ Career Exploration
While most pre-med/pre-health students come in with a very focused goal in mind, for all students, we highly recommend the course LS110: Career Exploration in the Life Sciences. This course is helpful for pre-med students, to confirm they are on the right path. This course also exposes a diverse range of satisfying careers possible with a life sciences’ degree.