Pig Flu on the Rise
James Lloyd-Smith, UCLA assistant professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and his colleagues have found that the incidence of flu is rising among pigs in China.
James Lloyd-Smith, UCLA assistant professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and his colleagues have found that the incidence of flu is rising among pigs in China.
David Walker, associate professor of Integrative Biology and Physiology, and Anil Rana, a UCLA postdoctoral scholar, have identified a gene that can extend the healthy life span of fruit flies by more than 25 percent.
David Walker, associate professor of Integrative Biology and Physiology, and his colleagues have identified a gene previously implicated in Parkinson’s disease that can delay the onset of aging and extend the healthy life span of fruit flies. The research, they say, could have important implications for aging and disease in humans.
An article about how Peter Nonacs, professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, lets students in his behavioral ecology class “cheat” on their midterm to teach them more about game theory.
UCLA Psychology Professor, Robert Bjork, is among the newest class of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, one of the nation’s oldest and most prestigious honorary societies and independent policy research centers.
The Eater blog on Thursday highlighted this year’s first UCLA “Science and Food” event, which featured Brazilian chef Alex Atala. Organized by Amy Rowat, UCLA assistant professor of integrative biology and physiology, the events are presented in conjunction with Rowat’s academic course “Science and Food: The Physical and Molecular Origins of What We Eat.”
UCLA scientists have shown that temporarily blocking a protein critical to immune response actually helps the body clear itself of chronic infection. Published in the April 12 edition of the journal Science, the finding suggests new approaches to treating persistent viral infections like HIV and hepatitis C.
Adriana Galván, assistant professor of Psychology, has been selected a William T. Grant Scholar by the William T. Grant Foundation. The award is given to exceptional researchers early in their careers. Galván’s laboratory studies brain development in children, adolescents and adults using behavioral and neuroimaging techniques.
Humans could learn a thing or two from turtles, and scientists who have just sequenced the first turtle genome uncovered clues about how people can benefit from the shelled creatures’ remarkable longevity and ability to survive for months without breathing.
his spring, Andrew Nicholls, a UCLA senior and eight-year army veteran, shared his firsthand perspectives about the military and combat by teaching a new psychology course through the Psychology department called ‘Fast Cars and Battle Scars: Understanding the Modern Combat Veteran and PTSD.’