Home / UCLA Life Scientists aim to reduce greenhouse gases and create better tasting cultured meat

UCLA Life Scientists aim to reduce greenhouse gases and create better tasting cultured meat

Siobhan Braybrook, Ph.D.                                                Amy Rowat, Ph.D. 


August 18, 2021

Among the inaugural awardees of the California NanoSystems Institute’s Noble Family Innovation Fund are Siobhan Braybrook, assistant professor of molecular, cellular and developmental biology, and Amy Rowat, associate professor and vice chair of integrative biology and physiology. Professors Braybrook and Rowat, both CNSI members, will each be awarded grants of $250,000 to advance environmental sustainability. Braybrook will co-lead a project to genetically engineer kelp and other forms of brown algae to absorb more carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, from the atmosphere. Rowat will lead research to improve the taste and texture of cultured (cell-based) meat in an effort to reduce the environmental impact of livestock farming.

>>Read the full CNSI article here.


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