February 19, 2021 Internet trends suggest COVID-19 spurred a significant shift in societal values, attitudes, and behaviors
February 10, 2021 Let’s Talk Science: Sleep, the Brain, & Human Health (Chancellor Gene Block, Dean Adriana Gaván and Professor Gina Poe)
February 9, 2021 Turtles ‘in horrible shape’ with grim future due to rising sea levels- latest study may provide clues to their future
February 3, 2021 Come Join Life Sciences’ community for these important conversations (NOW through May 2021)
February 2, 2021 HHMI Pathways undergraduate program: a model for excellence, diversity and inclusion
January 28, 2021 Strategies for Cultivating Inclusive Classrooms; Understanding Implicit Bias and Stereotype Threat; and STEM Outcomes at UCLA
January 22, 2021 UCLA partnership to provide summer research opportunities for undergraduates from diverse backgrounds
January 15, 2021 UCLA Professor Vickie Mays partners with nation’s leaders and experts to provide information on COVID-19 vaccine