January 9, 2024 Music’s Emotional Power Can Shape Memories—And Your Perception Of Time (Science Friday)
December 18, 2023 UCLA Life Sciences receives $2.5 million to expand inclusion, success for STEM students
December 16, 2023 The keto diet protects against epileptic seizures. UCLA scientists are uncovering why
December 15, 2023 Breakthrough reveals poaching hotspots, trade routes of most trafficked endangered mammal
December 8, 2023 UCLA researchers lay groundwork to study effects of maternal diabetes on fetal metabolism and development
November 21, 2023 Can studying ants help humans eliminate traffic congestion? (Great LA podcast with UCLA Professor Noa Pinter-Wollman)
November 21, 2023 UCLA research shows emotions stirred by music can shape separate and durable memories – implications could aid treatment of depression and PTSD
November 16, 2023 UCLA researchers develop AI model that can help predict survival outcomes for cancer patients
November 14, 2023 UCLA research collaboration gets us closer to lab-grown muscle to treat muscle tears, diseases, and disorders