UCLA’s Second Grand Challenge to Combat Depression
Psychology professor, Michelle Craske, will lead effort to develop innovative treatment center to combat Depression
Psychology professor, Michelle Craske, will lead effort to develop innovative treatment center to combat Depression
A recent study (with senior author Daniel Blumstein, UCLA Ecology and Evolutionary Biology) analyzed more than 100 research studies on how ecotourism affects wild animals and concluded that such trips can be harmful to the animals, whose behaviors may be altered in ways that put them at risk.
UCLA-led study, with senior author, Lawren Sack, restores consensus after controversial 2014 paper questioned direct effects of climate change
Victoria Sork has been named one of 12 Academy Fellows this year for her notable contributions to the natural sciences.
New research led by UCLA life scientists may help answer why some people remain healthy into old age, while others age faster and suffer serious diseases decades earlier.
UCLA psychologist, Thomas Bradbury, along with an international team of psychologists, found that men and women who aren’t stressed out both provide strong support to their partners. But when under stress, women do a better job than men of being supportive.
Robotic step training and noninvasive spinal stimulation developed by UCLA researchers enabled a completely paralyzed patient to take thousands of steps
Recent research, co-authored by UCLA psychology professor Neil Malamuth finds that men who buy sex share certain key characteristics with men who are at risk for committing sexual aggression.
UCLA and U. of Illinois psychologists find a way to change minds. Vaccine skeptics can be convinced with the right argument.
New non-surgical approach could lead to treatments for paralysis at one-tenth the cost of the surgical epidural stimulator.