Excellence in Research (Full Professor)
David Glanzman (Integrative Biology & Physiology)
Excellence in Research (Associate Professor)
Hilary Coller (Molecular Cell & Developmental Biology)
Excellence in Research (Assistant Professor)
Elaine Hsiao (Integrative Biology & Physiology)
Excellence in Promoting Diversity & Inclusion
Nathan Kraft (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)
Excellence in Educational Innovation (Tenured Faculty)
Stephanie White (Integrative Biology & Physiology; and Neuroscience IDP)
Excellence in Educational Innovation (Untenured Faculty)
Shane Campbell-Staton (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology; and Society & Genetics)
Excellence in Educational Innovation (Lecturer, Acad. Admin, or Acad. Coord.)
Rachel Kennison (Life Sciences Core; and Center for Education Innovation & Learning in the Sciences, CEILS)