Home / Curriculum Options for Biological Sciences Majors

Curriculum Options for Biological Sciences Majors

UCLA Life Sciences offers a range of majors in the biological sciences, with four alternative pathways to meet course requirements for graduation.  To set yourself up for future success, please choose your curriculum path based on your academic preparation. ALL four paths below will look the same in the end, as you apply for employment or apply to graduate/professional schools.

Below, are four alternative curricular paths that fulfill the foundational courses for the following biological sciences majors:

Biology First Path

For biological sciences majors, who have taken at least two AP or honors courses in math, biology or chemistry

Biology Exploration Path

For biological sciences majors who have taken one AP or honors course in math, biology, or science

Chemistry Courses Early Path

For biological sciences majors with a strong interest in chemistry and with at least two AP classes in chemistry or math.

Physics Courses Early Path

For biological sciences majors with a strong interest in physics and with at least two AP classes in physics, chemistry or math.

UCLA course sets Life Sciences’ transfer students up for success

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