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Heritable bipolar phenotypes pinned down

A large study led by Carrie Bearden, professor of psychology and psychiatry, has pinpointed brain and behavioural traits that are genetically influenced and associated with bipolar I disorder.

Assessing California’s Drought

Glen MacDonald, director of the UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability and professor Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, discusses the historical significance and potential impact of the current drought emergency in California.

Commentary on New Stem Cell Technique

Dr. William Lowry, associate professor of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology is quoted on his thoughts on another researcher’s new method for returning cells to a pluripotent state by exposing them to an acidic environment.

Stem Cells and Prostate Cancer

An article about prostate cancer research, highlighting research by Dr. Owen Witte, director of UCLA’s Broad Stem Cell Research Center and a professor of Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics.

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