Head injuries can alter hundreds of genes and lead to serious brain diseases, UCLA biologists report

UCLA biologists identify best three-drug combinations to effectively kill deadly bacteria

UCLA study finds a promising drug for treating alcoholism

UCLA biology professor, Daniel Blumstein, honored with Animal Behavior Society’s 2017 Quest Award

                                                    Professor Daniel Blumstein has […]

UCLA researchers develop stimulator which bypasses spine injury and helps patient move hand

2016 Life Sciences’ New Faculty

Our new faculty are at the forefront of life science research:   Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Noa Pinter-Wollman, PhD studies animal societies to see how variation in individual behavior affects […]

Michelle Craske to receive the 2017 Distinguished Scientist Award from the Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology

Distinguished Professor Michelle Craske has been named the 2017 recipient of the Distinguished Scientist Award from the Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology (SSCP),  a premier organization for academic clinical […]

Sherie Morrison receives inaugural Immunology, Inflammation, Infection, and Transplantation (I3T) Excellence in Research Award

Dr. Sherie Morrison is the recipient of the 2016 Immunology,  Inflammation,  Infection and Transplantation (I3T) Excellence in Research Award– an award established to honor individuals who have made seminal contributions to […]