Latest Past Events

Marschak Colloquium: “Conserving Wildlife and Human Cultures”

Charles E. Young Research Library, Main Conference Room & Zoom

“Conserving Wildlife and Human Cultures”, Speaker: Alejandra Echeverri Ochoa, PhD; Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, UC Berkeley Halting the loss of biodiversity and cultural diversity necessitates an understanding of the connections between people and the planet. In her talk, Alejandra Echeverri will elucidate how individuals perceive endangered species, such as sea otters, and […]


Let’s Talk Science: Innovative Therapies: From the Bench to Bedside

Free Public Webinar (click above to register)

UCLA Life Sciences invites you to a special virtual event Let’s Talk ScienceInnovative Therapies: From the Bench to Bedside an illuminating conversation featuringMireille KamarizaAssistant Professor, BioengineeringDonald B. KohnDistinguished Professor, Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular GeneticsM. Carrie MiceliProfessor, Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular GeneticsCo-Director, Center for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy at UCLAwith Q&A ​​​​​​moderated byTracy JohnsonDean of Life Sciences, UCLA CollegeKeith and Cecilia Terasaki […]

MAPPING THE BRAIN –  With 100 Billion Cells, Is This an Impossible Task?

Free Online

The UCLA Institute for Quantitative & Computational Biosciences invites you to a special virtual event: “MAPPING THE BRAIN With 100 Billion Cells, Is This an Impossible Task?” Our brains process information to navigate rush-hour traffic, learn to compete on Jeopardy, and imagine unknowns in art and science. These amazing capabilities depend on a network involving […]