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Can Traumatic Memories Be Erased?

Could veterans of war, rape victims and other people who have seen horrific crimes someday have the traumatic memories that haunt them weakened in their brains? In a new study, David Glanzman, UCLA professor of Integrative Biology and Physiology, and his colleagues report a discovery that may make the reduction of such memories a reality.

Come On, I Thought I Knew That!

Robert Bjork, distinguished professor of psychology and co-principal investigator at the Bjork Learning and Forgetting Lab at UCLA, was quoted on Monday in a New York Times article on new research about how we learn and remember.

A Way To Fight the AIDS Virus With A Virus

A study co-authored by James Lloyd-Smith, UCLA assistant professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and U.C. San Diego biochemist Leor Weinberger found that, over 30 years, therapeutic interfering particles (TIPS) could reduce the number of people in Sub-Saharan Africa infected with HIV to one-thirtieth of the current level.

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