
Featured Undergraduate Stories

Majoring in Life Sciences

The UCLA Division of Life Sciences offers 13 majors, spanning a wide range of academic areas – from psychology, physiology, molecular biology and immunology, to ecology, computational and systems biology, and human biology and society. [Click here to see a list of our majors and minors.]

The process and requirements for entering a Life Sciences major depends on the particular major. For example, some majors require students to declare themselves a specific “pre-major”.

Incoming first-year students should meet with departmental academic advisors associated with the majors they want to pursue. Departmental advisors can provide students with tailored information about getting into a particular major, as well as required coursework, possibilities for research, and potential career trajectories for students in that major.

Introduction to Life Sciences’ majors (links to videos)

Computational & Systems Biology majorMolecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology major
Biology; Ecology & Evolutionary Biology; and Marine Biology majorsPsychology, B.A; Cognitive Science, B.S.; and Psychobiology, B.S. majors
Human Biology & Society majorNeuroscience major
Microbiology, Immunology, & Molecular Genetics major

Pre-Health Students

A majority of our incoming students are self-designated “pre-health”, which means they are on a path to fulfilling curricular requirements which will allow them to apply to specific professional schools. While the campus does not have a designated pre-health or pre-med program, academic advisors and campus resources are available to help our students along their pre-health journey. More information can be found on our Pre-Health page.