10th Anniversary of the Institute for Quantitative and Computational Biosciences
Welcome Remarks: Tracy Johnson Dean, Life Sciences, UCLA College Professor, Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology Keith and Cecilia Terasaki Presidential Endowed Chair
Establishing the UCLA Institute for Quantitative & Computational Biosciences: Victoria L. Sork Former Dean, Life Sciences, UCLA College Distinguished Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Celebrating 10 Years of Innovation and Discovery moderated by: Alexander Hoffmann Director, Institute for Quantitative and Computational Biosciences Distinguished Professor, Microbiology, Immunology & Molecular Genetics Thomas M. Asher Endowed Chair in Microbiology
Innovation Panelists:
- Mehdi Bouhaddou Assistant Professor, Microbiology, Immunology & Molecular Genetics
- Eric Deeds Director, Life Science Education Core in Mathematics Professor, Integrative Biology & Physiology
- Jamie Lloyd-Smith Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
- Matteo Pellegrini Director, QCBio Collaboratory Chair, Computational & Systems Biology Major Professor, Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology, Human Genetics
- Grace Xiao Director, Computational Biosciences Graduate Programs Professor, Integrative Biology & Physiology
- Xia Yang Professor, Integrative Biology & Physiology, Molecular