UCLA Life scientist wins award in vision sciences
Gordon L. Fain, distinguished professor of Integrative Biology and Physiology, is the recipient of Brandeis University’s fourth annual Jay Pepose ’75 Award in Vision Sciences.
Gordon L. Fain, distinguished professor of Integrative Biology and Physiology, is the recipient of Brandeis University’s fourth annual Jay Pepose ’75 Award in Vision Sciences.
Daniel Blumstein, professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, talks about his ongoing research on yellow-bellied marmots, which is giving us insight into mammalian personality traits, climate change, and the evolution of fear.
UCLA Psychology professor Patricia Greenfield, and her colleagues have found that during the recent recession, concern for other people and the environment rose among American teens.
Psychology professor, Matthew Lieberman, and colleagues have identified brain regions associated with the successful spread of ideas, or “buzz.”
Amy Rowat, assistant professor of Integrative Biology and Physiology, shares her scientific insights on how to create a perfect crust.
Dr. Donald Kohn, professor of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics, is leading research for patients with sickle cell disease using blood-producing stem cells from the bone marrow.
Researchers from our Department of Psychology, and their collaborators, have found that there is a similarity in the form and function of the gestures used by chimpanzees, bonobos and human infants.
Michael Alfaro, associate professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and his colleagues have found that the speed at which new species emerge is strongly correlated with the speed at which changes in body size evolve.
UCLA researchers have found that children who take medications for ADHD are at no greater risk of using alcohol, marijuana, nicotine or cocaine later in life.
“Science and Food: The Physical and Molecular Origins of What We Eat,” is a course taught by Amy Rowat, UCLA assistant professor of Integrative Biology and Physiology, in which students explore such topics as food’s texture and flavor from a scientific perspective. As part of the course, Rowat also hosts public “Science and Food” events featuring top chefs.