The labeling of genetically modified foods
Goldberg, UCLA distinguished professor of molecular, cell and developmental biology, was BRIEFLY quoted Sunday in a Los Angeles Times article about the labeling of genetically modified foods.
Goldberg, UCLA distinguished professor of molecular, cell and developmental biology, was BRIEFLY quoted Sunday in a Los Angeles Times article about the labeling of genetically modified foods.
Using state-of-the-art imaging equipment at the California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) at UCLA, Robert Gunsalus, professor of microbiology, immunology and molecular genetics, has shown for the first time that a microbe known as Methanosprillum hungatei, contains incredibly efficient energy-storage structures.
Lawren Sack, UCLA professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and collaborators, including Ph.D. candidate and lead author Christine Scoffoni, used three-dimensional computer models to simulate water transport within the veins of different sized leaves. They found that the distinct vein systems of smaller leaves are structurally and physiologically better adapted for plants to live in dry soil, contributing to survival during periods of drought.
Naomi Eisenberger, UCLA assistant professor of psychology, and her team recently published a brain-imaging study showing that young women who were administered a moderate pain stimulus experienced a reduction in pain when they viewed a photograph of their boyfriend.
Adriana Galvan, assistant professor of developmental psychology, has recently found that the brains of teens and adults react differently under stress and when dealing with risky situations. Galvan is quoted.
Elissa Hallem, assistant professor of microbiology, immunology and molecular genetics and a member of UCLA’s Molecular Biology Institute, has been honored as a 2011 Rita Allen Foundation Scholar. The award is granted to seven researchers in biomedical science who will receive a total of $3.5 million in grants as 2011 Rita Allen Foundation Scholars.
An MSN blog on Monday highlighted a study by UCLA researchers and colleagues suggesting that for women, dating a less attractive man may result in a happier, more emotionally satisfying relationship. Benjamin Karney, UCLA associate professor of psychology, was quoted.
Life Sciences professors, were two of three UCLA researchers awarded state stem cell grants totaling $3.9 million. These grants will fund investigations into the basic mechanisms underlying stem cell biology, cellular differentiation and cellular plasticity, the ability of adult stem cells to become cells other than their cell of origin.
A column in Monday’s New York Times about opossums cited research by Ines Horovitz, UCLA assistant adjunct professor of ecology and evolutionary biology, suggesting that the earliest marsupials most likely resembled opossums. Horovitz was quoted.
Benhur Lee UCLA professor of MIMG co-authored a paper whose main findings could lead researchers to a potential new target for anti-HIV therapeutics.