UCLA study finds two brain regions linked to preference for order and certainty

Students of all races feel safer in ethnically diverse middle schools, UCLA research shows

HHMI Inclusive Excellence Initiative grant to improve success of UCLA transfer students

Professor Daniel Blumstein wins 2017 Gold Shield Faculty Prize

UCLA to enhance undergraduate STEM education

UCLA is among 12 universities nationally to be awarded a grant from the Association of American Universities to fund workshops on campus over the next year to assess all programs that […]

2017 “Enhancing Student Success in Science”: a two-day faculty workshop to build more inclusive classrooms

March 2 – 4, 2017 For the second year in a row, UCLA’s Divisions of Life and Physical Sciences jointly sponsored a two-day, invitation-only workshop for faculty called “Enhancing Student […]

UCLA Neuroscience freshman, Gevick Safarians, wins OZY Genius Award

UCLA’s Leslie Rith-Najarian wins 2017 UC-wide competition to communicate graduate research

EVENT May 2: World-renowned chef, Massimo Bottura, comes to UCLA for 2017 Science and Food Public Lecture