Research Mentor Training Workshop for Faculty April 16th & 23rd , 2021, 9am- 12pm.

Graduate Programs in Bioscience is hosting a virtual research mentor training on April 16th & 23rd , 2021, 9am- 12pm. The objective of the workshop is to enrich current mentoring practices by providing mentors with evidence-based approaches to research mentoring while offering a forum in which to solve dilemmas. This training comes from the Center For the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (CIMER) and the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN). It is recognized by the NIH and NSF for grant applications as evidence of a commitment to trainee mentoring, including trainees from diverse backgrounds. Dr. Diana Azurdia will facilitate the sessions. She is 1 of 40 “Master Facilitators”  in the nation.  Please feel free to share this information with faculty who might want to participate.

Tentative Agenda


 Session I (4/16)

Introduction to Mentor Training
Maintaining Effective Communication
Aligning Expectations
Session II (4/23)
Addressing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Promoting Professional Development & Fostering Independence
Resources & Evaluation


  1. Faculty, Senior Research Scientist, or Administrators who are directly mentoring trainees in STEM related fields or working with mentors whose trainees are in those fields.
  2. Must be able to attend both sessions (April 16 & 23, 2021, 9am-12pm)
  3. Register for the event to confirm workshop attendance
  4. Complete a post-workshop evaluation survey



Enrollment for this workshop is limited to 30 participants. Priority will be given on a first come first serve basis and to those who intend to attend both sessions.


Registration will close on March 22, 2021.


Register Here: